
Arc connects companies with vetted remote developers, designers, and marketers for quick hiring.
July 24, 2024
Web App, Other
Arc Website

About Arc

Arc is a global platform that connects companies with top-tier remote talent in development, design, and marketing. With features like quick hiring and AI-driven candidate matches, it streamlines the recruitment process, allowing businesses to find the best professionals quickly and efficiently.

At Arc, pricing is tailored to your hiring needs. There are no costs until you hire, making it risk-free. The platform connects you with vetted talent for freelance or full-time positions. Upgrade options may provide additional support features for comprehensive hiring success.

Arc’s user interface is designed for simplicity and efficiency, making it easy to navigate between searching for talent and reviewing candidate profiles. The clean layout and responsive design ensure users have a seamless experience, highlighting the platform's focus on user-friendliness and quick access to crucial information.

How Arc works

Using Arc is easy; start by sharing your hiring needs and preferences. The platform then uses its AI technology to match you with vetted candidates who fit your requirements. You can interview top matches directly and hire the best fit, while Arc handles secure payments and compliance.

Key Features for Arc

AI-Powered Candidate Matching

Arc's AI-powered candidate matching feature significantly enhances the hiring process. By quickly reviewing key qualifications and matching them with job requirements, Arc connects employers with top candidates efficiently, saving valuable time and ensuring only the best talent reaches your recruitment pipeline.

Vetted Global Talent Pool

A standout feature of Arc is its access to a vetted global talent pool. With over 350,000 professionals in 190 countries, users can hire diverse and skilled individuals for various roles, ensuring quality hires that meet specific project needs while maximizing savings compared to traditional hiring methods.

Rapid Hiring Process

Arc offers a rapid hiring process, allowing companies to hire top talent in as little as 72 hours. This efficiency not only speeds up project timelines but also minimizes downtime, enabling businesses to scale quickly and competitively by onboarding essential team members faster than ever.

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