
AI candidate sourcing tool for recruiters with automated talent acquisition and diversity search criteria.
July 9, 2024
Web App
Fetcher Website


Fetcher's most innovative feature is its AI-driven candidate sourcing technology, which saves time by efficiently matching high-quality candidates to job requirements, streamlining the recruitment process, and promoting diversity by facilitating personalized diversity search criteria.

Fetcher provides a freemium model with a free basic plan and premium subscription tiers offering additional features such as enhanced search capabilities, increased contact information access, and priority customer support. Upgrading to premium plans unlocks advanced sourcing tools and analytics.

Fetcher's platform boasts a clean and intuitive interface designed for ease of use, featuring personalized dashboards, detailed candidate profiles, and seamless navigation. The platform's user-centric design enhances the sourcing experience and ensures recruiters can efficiently manage their sourcing activities.


What makes Fetcher unique?

Fetcher stands out with its AI-driven talent sourcing, personalized diversity search criteria, verified contact information, and advanced integrations for enhanced productivity.

How to get started with Fetcher?

New users can begin by signing up for a free account on Fetcher's website, customizing their sourcing preferences, and exploring the AI-driven candidate sourcing features.

Who is using Fetcher?

Fetcher caters to recruiters and HR professionals across various industries seeking to streamline their talent acquisition process, improve candidate engagement, and promote diversity in hiring practices.

What key features does Fetcher have?

Fetcher offers advanced AI candidate sourcing, personalized diversity search criteria, verified contact information, robust technology integrations, recruitment analytics, and a user-friendly platform for seamless talent acquisition.


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