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Category: Health & Wellness

ChatGPT - Jungian Psychotherapist Website

ChatGPT - Jungian Psychotherapist

A virtual psychotherapist specializing in Jungian analysis, offering AI-driven conversation and support.
ChatGPT - Lexikon der Ätherischen Öle Website

ChatGPT - Lexikon der Ätherischen Öle

A platform offering information and insights on essential oils for wellness and aromatherapy.
ChatGPT - FODMAPPY Website


FODMAPPY analyzes food images for FODMAP content using updated dietary guidelines.
ChatGPT - Social Anxiety-Avoidant Personality Disorder Test Website

ChatGPT - Social Anxiety-Avoidant Personality Disorder Test

ChatGPT provides a platform for assessing Social Anxiety and Avoidant Personality Disorder symptoms.
ChatGPT - Holistic Healer Website

ChatGPT - Holistic Healer

ChatGPT - Holistic Healer offers insights and guidance on natural and holistic medicine.